Bookmarks for Hans Koch

Personal Toolbar Folder


The Silent Takeover: Global Capitalism and the Death of Democracy - Noreena Hertz
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: An Investigative Reporter Exposes the Truth About
Globalization, Corporate Cons, and High Finance Fraudsters - Greg Palast
Stupid White Men...and Other Sorry Excuses for the State of the Nation! - Michael Moore
Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire - Chalmers Johnson
Jihad vs. McWorld: How Globalism and Tribalism Are Reshaping the World - Benjamin R. Barber
The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization - Thomas L. Friedman
Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media - Noam Chomsky
Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business - Neil Postman
Censored 2001: 25 Years of Censored News and the Top Censored Stories of the Year
Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia - Ahmed Rashid
Declarations of Independence: Cross-Examining American Ideology - Howard Zinn
A People's History of the United States: 1492 to Present - Howard Zinn


Global Exchange
The Human rights organization sounding a loud warning against the WTO and other threats to democracy and fair trade.
Global Exchange - WTO
Public Citizen - Global Trade Watch
Public Citizen - Global Trade Watch - NAFTA Chapter 11
Jim Hightower
Archive of pithy, truth-laid-bare columns from an American grassroots populist.
Michael Moore
Muckraking author and television producer.

Media Coverage

PBS - Now with Bill Moyers - NAFTA - "Trading Democracy - The Other Chapter 11" - 2002-02-01
Full transcript of the chilling episode of the Public Broadcasting System television program "Now with Bill Moyers", aired on 1 Feb 2002, regarding the punitive provision of NAFTA that threatens democracy and self-governance, and serves as a model for virtualy the same provision to be applied globaly by the WTO.
PBS - Wide Angle - Cambodia - Land of Wandering Souls - Globalization: Between Fairness and Exploitation - 2002-08-01
WNYC - Lopate - High Noon and the Death of Democracy - 2002-06-20
WNYC - Reading Room - The Silent Takeover: Global Capitalism and the Death of Democracy - Noreen Hertz


NAFTA related links - PBS
WTO related links - Global Exchange